Thursday, November 29, 2007

Good Again

In the life of an expat, a day can quickly turn from good to bad to good again.

It's a good day when you wake up at 8am and the sun is peeking through the clouds. It's an excellent day when the aforementioned sun is still visible by 10am.

It's a good day when you understand the grocer when asked if you have 10 cents to round out your bill. It's an even better day when you can quickly hand over the change and also respond German.

It's a bad day when you get to the post office, after driving around it for 30 minutes trying to find a space for your bus-sized SUV which screams enthusiastically "HELLO, I'M DRIVEN BY AN OBNOXIOUS AMERICAN!," only to find after waiting in line for 30 minutes that this neighborhood post doesn't have your package--the other post across town does. Did I also mention that the post across town closes for the day the moment you get to the door? "But, wait, I just stood in line for 30 minutes across town. Can't I just...." It's a really bad day when after arriving back to your car flustered by this fruitless ordeal you find the German ticket fairy has paid you another courteous visit. Brilliant.

But, you see, luck changes quickly here. Just as you are prepared to discount the entire day you receive an unexpected call from a new friend or an unexpected invitation to a social event.

See, things aren't all that bad. It's still sunny. You can speak a little intelligible German. Your butt still fits into your skinny jeans.

And then, the bell rings and wait a second--a package has arrived....and it's not for John but for you. Hey, it's a package from an old friend, to little ol' you, full of store bought and hand-made gifts to keep you warm and a thoughtful card that warms your heart. Someone likes you, they really like you.

Just like that, in under an hour, you're transformed from a harsh and bitter water buffalo to an thankful and nostalgic lilac crested roller. The days don't get any gooder than this. They just don't.


Anonymous said...

Great Stuff!!
Love Mom

Anonymous said...

i need to get more HU gear, or rather make my own HU soon--they are comfy.

truly a pleasure making it, glad it made you happy!
