Monday, November 19, 2007

The Holiday Spirit

Thursday is Thanksgiving. The second holiday after July 4th that we'll celebrate here and the first truly nostalgic one that we'll attempt to recreate.

We have to keep reminding ourselves these days that 1) what we perceive to be important days of the year are not so here, 2) celebrating these so-called holidays keep us connected with our previous life and give us the opportunity to create new traditions, 3) and that it is the new memories that we create in Berlin that will, in hind-sight, help us to remember this city fondly when we move on.

We have a good start so far. Charity smuggled in a can of whole berry cranberry sauce in case we have trouble finding real berries here and a guv'ment sized loaf of velvetta for my sinful mac and cheese. (What is Velvetta cheese anyway? And why is it self-stable? It's kind of insulting to cheese to call it cheese, really.) We can buy Stove Top Stuffing (which is not more like stuffing than Velvetta is cheese) if we are willing to pay $5.00 a box for it so instead we'll-stratch that- I will be trying a new recipe this year. I've been told that I could have ordered a turkey from a local butcher had I done it sooner but I didn't. My only other alternative is to either buy a goose (how does one prepare a goose? and how does it differ from a duck?) which are readily available or go for chicken instead. In my attempts to speak German to the butcher, I asked what I thought was "Do you have a turkey (Haben sie Guflugel)?" after asking her to wrap up a whole chicken for me as back-up. When she answered, rather indignantly, that "Yes, everything in front of you including what you just ordered is Guflugel." I realized that Geflugel means poultry and not turkey. Ooops. Needless to say, I apologized and left quickly with my bird and my tail between my legs. Chicken for thanksgiving, it is.

So, it will be an interesting holiday for the kids this year. Having Charity here will be like the old days in DC. Lots of procrastinating. Lots of drinking. Lots of laughs. Lots of fun. What better way is there to celebrate the season of thanks than that?

1 comment:

2D said...

What about the pork butt shoulder you guys found earlier this summer...that would be a new tradition....
I think I got the name wrong, but I looked for that post and didn't see the image.

Pork butt shoulder , dressing, cranberry sauce, and kool aid....that would be awesome