Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Law of D

In this law, "D" can stand for anything you want. It can mean disaster, destruction....diarrhea, anything. What it means to you doesn't matter as long as the connotation is negative. You see, in this law, much like Murphy's, last minute, inconvenient bodily functions aim to destroy (another D word) your perfectly arranged plans. In fact, the more perfect the plan, the more likely it is that the law of D will strike.

Let me refer you again to our trip to Munich last weekend as an example. The plan was to take a short jaunt to Munich with our dog, stay in a nice hotel, watch a soccer game, and adjourn to our room for a quiet evening. Although most of the weekend went smoothly, we will not remember the drive or the game or the hotel as much as having to take the walk of shame to the lobby to inform staff that our dog had done her duty on their beautiful rug. We won't remember the scenery or the thrill of watching our first European soccer game. No, instead we will remember the pained look on the faces of the maintenance crew forced to clean up after our little instigator and the stench that stayed in our room all weekend.

Why was I surprised, then, that the night before J was to fly to New York for the week, the Law of D would rear (pun intended) it's ugly head. Without fail, I can count on Josie or Ramsey getting sick the day J goes out of town only to miraculously heal the moment he returns. Why should this time be any different? Apparently, the D that we thought Josie had left in Munich followed us back and all last night we were disturbed from our sleep by a whining dog. After the 5 am walk, I found myself wondering what made her sick when I remembered: "Of course, you're sick because J's leaving tomorrow. That's your way." So, needless to say, we've been sticking around the house today waiting for the next urgency to strike.

I've found that the only remedy for the Laws of D is the Cry of Y. When D strikes, all I find myself doing is asking "Why me?; Why now?; Why can't you plan these illnesses when J is home?"

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