Wednesday, April 9, 2008


That is the level of German I tested into. It basically means that I'm in the class with the most learned of the lowest proficiency speakers. Nothing too surprising there.

It's also not surprising that the class is every bit as painful as I expected it to be. It reinforces the fact that I might very well never learn this language. I'm either too old or too dumb or too lazy or a combination of the three. I'm certain that I couldn't determine a dativ sentence from an akkusativ one to save my skin. What is ironic is that in spite of all this, I find myself getting really frustrated with the other students whose German diction is imperfect or who forget time and time again to put the verb at the end of sentences.

--Ahh, it's "ich," not "ish." It's "ich habe das vergessen" not "ich habe vergessen das."--

Yes, that's me, the pot, yelling at the kettle: "Ah, du bist schwarz!"

The only thing that annoys me more than "ish" lady is the woman in class whose diction AND grammer AND deklinations are always perfect. She giggles at people when they mispronouce words, constructs really complicated sentences fabricated with the help of her handy pocket translator, and worst of all, has the nerve to try to beat the teacher to correcting wayward students. I seeth in both red hot rage and firey jealousy. Because it's me who wants to be the lofty one who's too cool for school, who wants to think they were misdirected to a more remedial class than they should have been placed.

But I'm not. This is definately the class in which I belong. So I sit and listen and try to learn something. With a joyful attitude! Smile. I tell myself that I can do anything for a month. In fact, I might just find that my German improves once this torture, I mean, class is over.

Now, if only I hadn't left my notebook in the ladies bathroom before leaving class this afternoon .....


Snooker said...

Oh I feel for you.
And at the same time I'm jealous of you.

I too am horribly lazy about learning the language. When I wasn't working I took some classes and got up to A3, but that has probably fallen back to A1.3 or something now. For me the problem is being too lazy to just speak! N. and I should do it more often, but we just don't. It's so much easier just to speak English.

My best to you. As for the mistakes made by your classmates, learn from them but also make sure you're not learning the BAD things too. I attended a class with a large group of Turks which really upset N. because I came home with a Turkish accent!

Location: Berlin, DE said...

Snooker: Thanks for your empathy. I'm trying to appreciate the time that I have at the class but it's hard. And you are right. It is also hard not to pick up bad habits from other students.

Gardner said...

It's amazing how inadequate I feel when I royally mess up in the foreign language.

Sounds like the translator lady feels the very inadequate.

Best of luck, and don't forget the novel that will result from a month of entertainment in the "german class".

For a change of pace in German learning, check out this guy:

Total goofball, but I'm sure some students in Denver have actually learned German due to his zaney antics.

Racquel said...

Hey Nik - I was so excited to see your blog site on mine! I heard you are loving Germany.

Things are going well for me in South Africa, although it is a lot to get used to. Many differences. But it is a lot of fun. I must say, my food doesn't sound nearly as good. I'm dying for regular yellow mustard and ranch dressing. I too eat Meusli (no x here). And - not that this is food - but the toilet paper here makes Charmin Ultra feel like 100 ply! I almost smuggled some back in my suitcase the last time I was home. Anyay - glad to hear that all is going well.

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Anonymous said...

Don't worry about 'know it all lady' ..... I bet she might be trying to hide something by acting like she has everything down-pat.

Anyway that's why you all are in a class to learn by messing up.

Take Care

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