Friday, July 25, 2008

Obama in Berlin

Yesterday may have been the best day of J's life when we saw Senator Obama give his global unification speech.

I can't say that my excitement matched his. Meaning, I could sleep and didn't get up at 4am that morning to check on the status of his arrival. I almost didn't go because I'm not keen on big crowds nor walking the estimated 1.5 miles that was required for the general public to get to the Victory Tower where the speech was held. But it was hard to ignore how monumental the event was --to be given the opportunity to see an African-American presidential candidate so warmly welcomed in our adopted city.

In hindsight, I'm glad I decided to go. We had a great time in part because, due to Ben's generosity towards J, all four of us had the chance to get press credentials which gave us front row viewing. I was wearing my "Obama Mama" tshirt which garnered alot of unwanted attention. I don't know what I was expecting but I found myself having to turn away from a few cameras--all but the one who asked to take my picture with Sandra. "Shoot," I told her. "I knew I should have worn makeup!" She asked me whether her hair was standing up. These things are important, you know.

This was a day that we will look back on and remember fondly. It is also comforting to be teaching the baby early lessons: He can vote for whomever he long as it's a Democrat.


Anonymous said...

I was looking at a news recap of the speech and was perplexed that Obama is only a 'candidate'. The setting of the speech reminded me of some of the great speeches of the past. While I watched the speech with my eyes and listened to the speech with my ears my brain kept suggesting it was a similar version of the MLK speech at the Lincoln Memorial....but then I realized that it was modern day history I was watching.

I just can't recall a United States president having such a large international appeal.

I wish people could look past Obama's race and see him for what he stands for.

That's awesome you all were able to be present at the event. Seems like it will be a moment in your life that will be hard to forget.

Take care,

Shea said...

congrats! You guys are great Americans. I thought of you on voting tuesday about how much you love to vote. Election days are like your birthdays! :)
Wish I was there.

s said...

We were part of history!

Snooker said...

I am soooo jealous!