Thursday, October 4, 2007

Reunification Day

Yesterday was Germany's version of Independence Day, Reunification Day (Deutsche Wiedervereinigung). It is the national holiday that cemmemorates German reunification in 1990. It is the day that the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) formally became part of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany). Banks and most shops were closed. There was a party thrown at the Brandenburg Gate and J was off from work.

The timing of the holiday was appropo as yesterday was my first full day back from Atlanta...the day after our reunification following three very long weeks apart.

Being in Atlanta was great. I got to see just about all of my friends for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner. There was plenty of time spent bonding with the parental units. All conversations were conducted in english and there were no delays or translations needed. Copious amounts of processed foods, biscuits, grits, and sweet tea were consumed. The balmy, sweaty, humid Atlanta weather came through like a champ by providing day after day of perfect southern sun. And yet, something wasn't quite right.

Which way do I turn my key to open a door again? Left or right? Why is everyone smiling at me? Do I know you? Can you leave me alone while I shop? If I want to buy something, I'll let you know. Wait a second, can I really throw THIS down the garage disposal? Hey, where are the recycling bins? Was there always so much traffic here and why hasn't anyone figured out how great it is to be able to walk to your neighborhood grocery store?

So there seems to have been some small changes made in my brain without me knowing it. I felt both at home and strange about being on domestic soil. Does living overseas make me a stranger everywhere or at home anywhere? Am I more comfortable as being identified as an American or an expat? Both of these questions followed be throughout my stay and keep me guessing even now.

I'm back to my home away from my old home. I'm back with my dear cuddly husband and sweet furbabies (who missed me alot but I suspect had a pretty darn good time without me in spite of themselves). I'm back to fully live this foreign lifestyle and tackle all of my preconceived notions head on. I'm baaaack.

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