Friday, March 14, 2008

Fun with Adverts

I came across the link below to this great Dutch clothing site called HEMA on Snooker's blog.

It's just a bit of fun to help you procrastinate on finishing that memo you've been putting off at work for the last week. I mean, the last thing you feel like doing at work is working, right?

Just make sure you turn up your volume and close your office door. It gets progressively louder as the video continues. Plus you don't want any of your nosey office mates to think you're doing anything more than a bit of product research--which is what you are doing--assuming you work in IT in the graphics department and have been asked to create a site that attracts more customers to your home page, one where customers can't actually buy anything. Riiiight. Well, you probably don't need an excuse anyway, do you? Besides, you wouldn't be on this blog now unless you were really desperate for some internet drivel to distract you from working.

Just click and wait for the fun to ensue.

1 comment:

Shea said...

Wow. what entertainment!
How are so many random things all on the same site? were any of those items related?