Tuesday, September 2, 2008


To say that I've been having a bit of a problem sleeping throughout this pregnancy is an understatement. I really haven't slept well since I was about 10 weeks pregnant. Between the growing bean, the frequent restroom visits, the overactive mind, and a bout of pregnancy induced restless legs syndrome, I lost the sleeping wars far in advance of the newbies arrival. I tried everything from sleeping sitting up on the couch to increasing my magnesium intake and I'm still plagued with near constant exhaustion. Knowing this, you would have thought I'd be doing everything to prevent new distractions from allowing me to get some rest. I guess I'm just not that clever.

Last night around 11pm:

J: Hey, is that a new book?
Me: Uh, huh.
J: What's it called?
Me: Twilight. I just ordered it from Amazon. Frances is reading it and says it's the new Harry Potter.
J: Hmm. What's it about?
Me: Vampires.
J (sarcastically): Oh, that should help you sleep!


Snooker said...

Hey Cool!
You're jumping on the Twilight wagon.
I had a German teenager tell me that I MUST read this book. So last weekend I picked it up in a book store... can't wait to get into it!

Anonymous said...

Just 33 days .... Just 33 days
