Monday, July 16, 2007

Sun, Fabulous Sun

Finally, the sun shines its face on Berlin. I was wondering if I'd ever see it again. It's been too long, really.

For more than two plus weeks, the temp has hovered around 50 degrees. Not only has it been cold but also rainy, gray, and windy. The weird thing is you can't predict in the morning what the weather will be like in the afternoon. In fact, you can't predict from one moment to the next what it will be like.
There have been many mornings when we have woken up to a beautiful blue sky only to find two hours later that it had turned chilly and wet. We've already learned not to leave the house without an umbrella and a light sweater.

I wore a wool sweater on the Fourth of July. Come 'on now, Berlin. That's no way to treat us.

But these last three days have been gorgeous. Today, I walked back and forth to the gym and to German class and sweat through two shirts. I came home to take a shower and began sweating the moment I stepped out. It is sweltering here and it's great.

It is amazing how much the weather can change your outlook. After these last couple of days of blue sky, I'm absolutely giddy. Well, maybe, giddy is taking it a bit too far but I've been optimistic at least.

We indulged in all of those summer activities you fantasize about during the winter. Eating outside, walking in the neighborhood, arguing with Germans (wait, maybe I'm getting dreams and nightmares mixed up), enjoying the city, and did I mention eating?

We ate dinner Friday night at a restaurant with some of J's new friends and then walked around the neighborhood to get a feel for the area. We were mezmorized by the intersection of cafe eaters on one side of the street enjoying the good weather and the legal prostitutes on the other hoping to enjoy it as well.

Saturday morning, we had brunch at a cafe in between a lovely ivyed terrace and that night we ate at a little Thai restaurant in the city center. Then on Sunday, we met one of J's colleagues for brunch at a restaurant that faces a church courtyard. Mom's and dad's sat outside on the edge of the courtyard sipping coffee while their kids rode around on their bikes. It was a picture of the Berlin weekend I had imagined.

Good food, good company, good laughs, what more could you ask for? Maybe three more months of this fabulous summer weather?

Okay, now you're pushing it.

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